Intuitive Card Readings
Do you need insight or have questions related to family, friends, career, love, goals, education, or your spiritual journey. The Tarot and Oracle cards are tools for spiritual guidance that can empower you to better understand your life by connecting you with your own intuition.
Oracle and Tarot Card Readings
Intuitive cards enable a person to connect to inner wisdom to better understand what one needs to know about a particular situation. Readings provide guidance to give insight into past, current and future events based on the person's current path at the time of the reading. The cards do not necessarily show what will happen, but instead, allow a person to gain an understanding of a situation based on what is known and what the cards show. This leads you to make the best decisions to find the best course of action needed.
A concise three card intuitive reading to better understand your current situation and advice on how to proceed is available online through email!
Schedule an in-depth oracle and tarot reading to better understand your current situation, obstacles, and advice on what it means. Combine with energy healing. Virtual appointments are available. Limited in -person appointments.
Intuitive Oracle Reading & Reiki Energy
An intuitive reading with Reiki energy is an immersion with your energy field and innate soul wisdom. The healing power of Reiki can facilitate another level of transformation and a deeper knowing of yourself. Your intuition can guide you to gain clarity, answer questions, release blocks and obtain deeper insight. It is also a fun and creative way to discover what comes up at any given moment in time!
Oracle cards interpret information from your energy to bring you clarity and also give you sacred space to reflect on what comes up in the session.
Reiki energy with an Intuitive Reading is especially helpful if you're experiencing:
emotional, physical, mental and creative blocks, sadness, anxiety, grief or trauma
or a need to deeply release old wounds and old patterns of behavior.
You do not have to be in person to receive a session because healing energy can be sent towards an individual, group or situation from a Reiki practitioner wherever you live. The only requirement for distance treatments is permission to have this energy flow to you and have a sincere willingness to receive and benefit from this energy. To receive a distance healing you do not have to be in a meditative state, but it is recommended that you set aside quiet time during your scheduled energy healing appointment.